Hockey Family

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Mixed Hockey is all about being part of a larger family. We are here for the love and nothing else! Ideas for improvements are welcome x

Volunteering where it is really needed

Earn charity points and pass them forward


You can gift your points to your friends or family that are participating in a charitable cause

Point of Sale

Tip staff that participate in the scheme by simply scanning their barcode or the vendor’s and selecting a charity and an amount

Monthly Accounts

Account updates provide positive encouragement to volunteers that show your contributions and how they paid forward

Corporate Recognition

Volunteers and Charities can actively participate in and gain recognition for grants

Donate, Receive, Repeat

Any contribtions are naturally accelerated exponentially as they are passed forward


Encourages participation in services

How do Charities benefit?

Enourage volunteers, validate services, and improve accesss to grants

Once registered, charities can utilise CPs through their current portals or participate in corporate schemes.


  • Incentive to encourage volunteers to participate in services
  • Reward already active volunteers maintaining loyalty and a sense of additional reward.
  • Validate volunteer participation and increase chances of receiving corporate grants.


Connect to fellow touring teams and discover new friends all over the world

Corporations benefit by providing a direct link from corporate social responsibility grants to their employees actions and choices

Download the app and start earning your points straight away!
Get the Charity Points app on: